Saturday, June 30, 2012

Batmo and Robin!

this is to cute for words! ♥ found this on :D PhotoSnappingTurtle posted this :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Just seen the film "Help!" from the Beatles (for the thousandth time xD)
and again loved it so much!

here some "Help!" pictures

Brian May Mustacho

ever wondered how Brian May looked with stache and beard? 
well.. wonder no more! because I found this picture! ♥

what do you think? does it suit him? or are you glad he got rid of it?

Monday, June 25, 2012

Bee Gees Pictures

love them so much! ♥
I had never seen these pictures so I felt like sharing!
I like the second one most cause I do know that picture :D but not in color! ♫

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Rare Bee Gees interview

a very rare interview with the Bee Gees
enjoy their interactions with each other ;)

Percy the Golden Cowboy

when I saw this picture on I had to make a comment to the maker because she asked where Percy could be pointing at... the following happened...

"I like them Percy~♫
maybe he is just pretending he is a cowboy and is that hand there a typical cowboy look I am only not sure"

:iconrobertplantplz::iconsaysplz:"I'm The"Golden Cowboy"

really! this made my day!! xD

Thursday, June 21, 2012

pictures and help needed!
could you readers perhaps help me?? I am participating in this contest... and I am trying to get many many votes! :D 
hope you will vote ;) vote for Jive Talkin' - Bee Gees

and thanks a bunch! ♫

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


now I need a jukebox!

Bee Gees interview

Love them and their cute/funny answers!
I love Barry's answers especially.. and would have loved to see him trying German xD

spirits having flown TV special (1979)

if you have time.. watch this one!! :D
it is amazing!

Lost Bee Gees album

a lost Bee Gees album! 
enjoy ♫

do you believe in miracles??


Robin Gibb and Sesame Street

I was blown away after finding out these videos!
Robin and Sesame Street O_O
there is also a LP with all the songs..
check it yourself at wikipedia in the link above
and remember.. keep everything tidy!!